Volunteering for Ukie at Gamescom 2017

This post is coming a little later than planned, due to the fact that I’m still working on my dissertation! But I wanted to share my experience of volunteering at one of the biggest game industry events (with 355,000 visitors from 106 countries). I was able to be at Gamescom thanks to the amazing people at Ukie who kindly offered three students the chance to attend as a volunteer.

We were given each other’s contact details prior to the event, meaning that I got to know my fellow volunteers Sam and Conor, so we were already looking forward to meeting!

Look at this team, we’re gonna do great!

Our main task at the start was unpacking and setting up the British Pub themed stand, which was complete with British Bulldogs and a classic pub sign!


I did also get the chance to have a look around the entertainment area, obviously the first place I went to was the indie games area!


I also came across some amazing cosplayers! (This mercy was so adorable, she told me her dad helped her to make her costume).

Also spied some merch on the Blizzard stand, I really wanted this Pachimari plush but the queue was way too long!!



Overall, I got to meet some amazing people in the games industry, got to work with the supportive and friendly Ukie team and got to explore one of the best games events in the world. Huge thanks to Ukie for making it possible and for  giving this aspiring games designer a fantastic opportunity!

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